Hexa-Tek Repair

Self help ---

Computer "Care and Feeding"

How to Buy a Computer

Mint Linux

Excellent Operating System


PCI cards HardDrives,Cds, Floppy

Cleaners, Antivirus' and Firewalls up to date?

Current leading Cleaners


Also run your update programs and check your detection libraries are up to date, scan, immunize as required per program

RootKits are the newest web disaster

Once infected with a rootkit you may or may not be able to reasonably have it removed (cost effective means). If removal is not a current option you will need to backup data and format/reinstal your operating system.

One major contributor to the problem, Sony, has stated they will discontinue the sale of DRM CDs (Digital Rights Management)

The damage is already done and virus makers have already started to take advantage of Sonys' error.

Rootkit tools

Unhackme by Greatis

Rootkit Revealer by Sysinternals

Self help ---

What to do for normal maintenance

Computer "Care and Feeding"

FIREFOX Web Browser

Thunderbird email

Moz Backup for Thunderbird and Firefox

some Free program preferences

Cleanup spyware; ,

Online virus/Spyware cleanup from

TrendMicro, Eset

Virus scanners; Free -----AVG Free, -----AVIRA free-av----AVAST

However there are many excellent virus scanners available for personal preferences.

Good research and assistance site;


Cleanup your registry and more; CCleaner

See Hardware/software Installed on your PC; Belarc Advisor

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