Care And Feeding

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Do Not use Harsh cleaners on Monitor screens , Please read care instructions with LCD monitors

For parents;

Learn to check your Internet Browser history pages to see where your children have been.

Also, some ISPs provide free parental control mechanisms. Contact your ISP for more information.

child Protection programs..


Update for your Antivirus (this should look after itself)

DON'T Forget to make sure antivirus has done full scan at least monthly

Update,Scan, and clean with Spyware Cleaners at least weekly

Cleaners can be had at

(SuperAntiSpyware, Malwarebytes, SpyBot S&D)

Vista/Win7 users may have to right click and start cleaners as admin for updating


CCleaner clean temp files and registry->

CHKDSK --neglected and very important to clean file system run -monthly

XP >Open My Computer>right click C: drive >select properties from bottom of menu>Select Tools tab>Error Checking>Automatically fix file system errors>Start> say yes to schedule check>OK >restart (on restart do not touch keyboard, computer will count down from 10 then run chkdsk then reboot to normal startup..

Vista/7/8/10>Start>enter cmd in search bar at bottom of Start menu (do not hit enter) > right click cmd shown at top of menu>run as Administrator> From Dos window>type >chkdsk /F (hit enter)say yes to schedule check>exit >restart (on restart do not touch keyboard, computer will count down from 10 then run chkdsk then reboot to normal start up).

Note: chkdsk (then one space) /F

DEFRAGMENT -- over used and not a good idea to run too frequently. Biannually is fine Monthly is max use..

Microsoft Updates –Keep your Operating system up to date

Make sure you have newest Sun Java and uninstall older versions if present

Make sure you have latest Adobe reader and Flash player

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